# | Lemma | Šķirklis |
1 | Genecaret [ezers] | Genecaret [ezers] (6) s. m. nloc. ä§äru Genezareth (4), e§§erre Genezareth (2)Kinnerets, ezers mūsdienu Izraēlas ziemeļosVnde tas §thawey py to E§§erre Genezareth / vnde redtczeye duewe Laywes py to E§§erre §thawites / Beth te Sweyneke by i§kapuu§§che / vnde ma§gaya ßouwes Tykles. EvEp1587, 1501. Py to ħäru Genezareth / the wings kahp Laiwa` / kattra Simoņam Pehteram peederreja / unnd luhds / to Laiwu magkeniet no Mallas att§tumbt. Manc1654_LP2, 1049. < vc. see Genezareth ↔ Galileiše jūre[2016-10] |